Writer’s note: This post was originally published on Medium’s “We Need to Talk” on July 13, 2022.
Imagine pain so severe that the nurse has to hold you down by both shoulders, you pass out and you feel it outranks that time you broke your tailbone. That’s how it felt when a woman named Sarah Holzer got an IUD. Other women also had mixed opinions on the level of pain for IUD insertion, describing it as “a longer, pinchier Pap smear,” “mostly very uncomfortable, like your cervix is being poked and pinched” and “definitely the worst pain I’ve ever felt.”
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Knowing it’s not exactly the smoothest procedure for contraception, it would make sense that women would request pain relieving options. And that’s just what a woman in Louisiana recently did. Her doctor prescribed Cytotec to make the IUD insertion less painful. But the patient ran into a problem. Although this type of medication (brand name for misoprostol) can be used for a variety of reasons (including stomach ulcers), the pharmacist challenged the prescription from Dr. Alexandria Weiss Band. Why? Even though the medication was for IUD insertion, the pharmacist refused to release it because Cytotec is also used as the second part of a two-drug cocktail to terminate a pregnancy, reports NOLA.
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I shake my head at news like this. The Supreme Court overruling Roe vs. Wade has gone from “protecting babies” from pregnant mothers to telling women, “You’re going to have this fucking kid whether you like it or not — from the time your panties come off.” Never in my lifetime have I seen this massive amount of voyeurs so invested in women’s vaginas. This baby obsession is getting perverted.
Everybody does NOT want to be a mother. Maybe some will want to be a mother years or decades later, but a bunch of strangers telling women that they cannot even protect their own bodies against the risk of pregnancy is beyond a level of stupidity than I ever imagined — and that’s saying a lot, considering I wasn’t surprised by Idaho State Rep. Vito Barbieri.
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So if we’re going to turn right and drive straight through the land of Crazy Town, I’ll do you one better. Ban oral sex for men only. If an IUD, birth control pills and various medications can stop women from getting pregnant, there is absolutely no reason men should risk their good baby-making sperm on oral sex.